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Jual Tanah Hadap Barat Area Perumahan Gatsu Barat Padangsambian Denpas

Gatsu Barat, Denpasar Kota
  • Rp 1.759.999.792

Deskripsi dan Spesifikasi

Jual Tanah Hadap Barat Area Perumahan Gatsu Barat Padangsambian Denpasar Barat

Berada di area perumahan Gatsu Barat Denpasar Barat
Bonus tanah lebih 8m2

Sangat cocok untuk rumah tinggal, kos elit ataupun kantor
Lokasi favorit karena sangat strategis mudah mengakses ke sentra bisnis, pusat pemerintahan dan layanan publik, sekolah dan daerah wisata

Lebar depan 10 meter
Lebar jalan 8 meter

Dekat Mitra 10
Dekat Indosat
Dekat fasilitas umum hotel, restoran, dan sSekolah
2 menit ke jalan utama Gatot Subroto
5 menit ke jalan Cargo
5 menit ke Citraland
5 menit ke Sekolah Tunas Daud
10 menit ke Kerobokan
10 menit ke Sekolah Taman Rama
10 menit ke Lumintang
15 menit ke jalan Gajah Mada
17 menit ke Living World Mall

Luas tanah 232m2 (plus tanah lebih 8m2)

Hadap barat

Total harga 1,76 milyar

West Facing Land For Sale In Residential Area Gatsu Barat Padangsambian West Denpasar

Located in the residential area Gatsu Barat West Denpasar
Land bonus of more than 8m2

Very suitable for residential homes, elite boarding houses or offices
Favorite location because it is very strategic, easy to access business centers, government centers and public services, schools and tourist areas

Front width 10 meters
The road width is 8 meters

Near Mitra 10
Near Indosat
Near public facilities, hotels, restaurants and schools
2 minutes to the main road Gatot Subroto
5 minutes to Cargo road
5 minutes to Citraland
5 minutes to Tunas Daud School
10 minutes to Kerobokan
10 minutes to Taman Rama School
10 minutes to Lumintang
15 minutes to Jalan Gajah Mada
17 minutes to Living World Mall

Land area 232m2 (plus 8m2 more land)

Facing west

Total price 1.76 billion
  • Tayang Sejak 1 tahun yang lalu
  • Sertifikat SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
  • Luas Tanah 232 m2
  • Harga per meter 7.58 jt / m2
  • Menghadap Barat
  • Akses Jalan 8 m
Dilihat 16 kali
Calc. KPR