Jual Rumah Cantik Semi Villa 2 Lantai 3 Kamar Monang Maning
Monang Maning, Denpasar Kota
- Rp
Deskripsi dan Spesifikasi
Jual Rumah Cantik Semi Villa 2 Lantai 3 Kamar Monang Maning
Struktur bangunan 2 lantai
Ukuran 9mx9m
3 kamar tidur
2 kamar mandi
ruang tamu
garasi mobil
teras depan
dak 2 lantai untuk santai di atas
Air sumur bor
Listrik 1300 watt
Lokasi bebas banjir
Hadap utara dan barat
Cocok untuk investasi
Super aman, nyaman, tenang, dan bersih
Perumahan elit Griya Resimuka Asri
Hanya jalan kaki ke masjid Baitul Makmur
Hanya beberapa langkah ke sekolah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Quba dan SD Muhammadiyah Monang Maning
Hanya 10 rumah ke tempat mengaji anak-anak
Posisi hook paling pojok, dapat 2 jalan
Sangat aman karena dijaga satpam 24 jam
One gate system
1 pintu keluar masuk
Akses jalan super lebar 8 meter
Malam hari suasana lebih indah dengan cahaya lampu yg menawan
Pasaran rumah di perumahan ini rata-rata diatas 2 milyar
Rumah sudah lengkap perabot
Tempat tidur
Kaligrafi hiasan dinding
Kitchen set
Smart TV
Tinggal masuk bawa pakaian saja semua sudah tersedia
Jika mau tambah kamar di atas, hanya tambah 150 juta
Dapat 3 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi, rooftop terbuka
(Jadi total 6 kamar tidur, 2 kamar mandi)
Untuk cek lokasi sehari 2 kali
Hanya di jam 4-6 sore, jam 8-12 malam
Harga 22 milyar
For Sale Beautiful Semi Villa House 2-floors 3-bedrooms Monang Maning
2-floors building structure
Size 9mx9m
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
prayer room
living room
car garage
front terrace
Drilled well water
1300 watt electricity
Flood free location
Facing north and west
Suitable for investment
Super safe, comfortable, quiet and clean
Griya Resimuka Asri elite housing complex
Just walk to the Baitul Makmur mosque
Just a few steps to Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Quba and Muhammadiyah Monang Maning Elementary School
The hook position is in the corner, you can get 2 roads
Very safe because it is guarded by 24 hour security
One gate system
1 entrance and exit
Access road super wide 8 meters
At night the atmosphere is more beautiful with charming lights
The house is fully furnished
Air conditioning
Calligraphy wall decoration
Kitchen sets
Smart TVs
Just come in and bring clothes, everything is available
If you want to add a room above, only add 150 million
Get 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open rooftop
(So total of 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)
To check the location twice a day
Only at 4-6 pm, 8-12 pm
Price 22 billion
Struktur bangunan 2 lantai
Ukuran 9mx9m
3 kamar tidur
2 kamar mandi
ruang tamu
garasi mobil
teras depan
dak 2 lantai untuk santai di atas
Air sumur bor
Listrik 1300 watt
Lokasi bebas banjir
Hadap utara dan barat
Cocok untuk investasi
Super aman, nyaman, tenang, dan bersih
Perumahan elit Griya Resimuka Asri
Hanya jalan kaki ke masjid Baitul Makmur
Hanya beberapa langkah ke sekolah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Quba dan SD Muhammadiyah Monang Maning
Hanya 10 rumah ke tempat mengaji anak-anak
Posisi hook paling pojok, dapat 2 jalan
Sangat aman karena dijaga satpam 24 jam
One gate system
1 pintu keluar masuk
Akses jalan super lebar 8 meter
Malam hari suasana lebih indah dengan cahaya lampu yg menawan
Pasaran rumah di perumahan ini rata-rata diatas 2 milyar
Rumah sudah lengkap perabot
Tempat tidur
Kaligrafi hiasan dinding
Kitchen set
Smart TV
Tinggal masuk bawa pakaian saja semua sudah tersedia
Jika mau tambah kamar di atas, hanya tambah 150 juta
Dapat 3 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi, rooftop terbuka
(Jadi total 6 kamar tidur, 2 kamar mandi)
Untuk cek lokasi sehari 2 kali
Hanya di jam 4-6 sore, jam 8-12 malam
Harga 22 milyar
For Sale Beautiful Semi Villa House 2-floors 3-bedrooms Monang Maning
2-floors building structure
Size 9mx9m
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
prayer room
living room
car garage
front terrace
Drilled well water
1300 watt electricity
Flood free location
Facing north and west
Suitable for investment
Super safe, comfortable, quiet and clean
Griya Resimuka Asri elite housing complex
Just walk to the Baitul Makmur mosque
Just a few steps to Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Quba and Muhammadiyah Monang Maning Elementary School
The hook position is in the corner, you can get 2 roads
Very safe because it is guarded by 24 hour security
One gate system
1 entrance and exit
Access road super wide 8 meters
At night the atmosphere is more beautiful with charming lights
The house is fully furnished
Air conditioning
Calligraphy wall decoration
Kitchen sets
Smart TVs
Just come in and bring clothes, everything is available
If you want to add a room above, only add 150 million
Get 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open rooftop
(So total of 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)
To check the location twice a day
Only at 4-6 pm, 8-12 pm
Price 22 billion
- Tayang Sejak1 tahun yang lalu
- Luas Tanah81 m2
- Luas Bangunan81 m2
- Kamar Tidur3
- Kamar Mandi2
- SertifikatSHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
- KondisiBekas
- KelengkapanFull Furnished
- Jumlah Lantai2
- Menghadap-
- Daya Listrik1300 VA
- Parkir-
Dilihat 16 kali
Calc. KPR
Rumah Dijual di Denpasar Barat